This year, the 7th grade ELA curriculum will include:
Interacting with text through close reading, analysis, and interpretation.
Engaging and interacting with the text (deep reading of text) to discern not only the craft of the writer, but the connectivity to other texts and citing evidence to support a conclusion.
Writing routinely over extended periods (research, reflection, and revision) and shorter periods (a single sitting) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Employing detail in writing, sustaining a focus, and producing well-organized writing.
Gathering information, evaluating sources, citing evidence, and responding analytically.
Building knowledge on a subject through research projects and responding analytically to literary and informational sources.
Speaking & Listening
Listening attentively and critically, responding thoughtfully, and building upon the ideas of others.
Assuming responsibility for small-group discussions.
Talking about texts in order to develop knowledge of academic language and conceptual understanding.
Discussing and making connections among multiple texts using intra-, inter-, and extra-textual questions.
Applying conventions of standard English include grammar, usage, and mechanics, as well as using language to convey meaning effectively.
Determining or clarifying the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words through context clues, understanding word relationships and nuances in meanings, and understanding the structure of words.
Acquiring and using general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gathering vocabulary knowledge.