Assessment Folders - Folders will be distributed biweekly with any graded work. Parents/Guardians are asked to sign/initial the parent sheet (weekly reflection) over the weekend and send it all back to be collected on the following Monday.
4th Grade Correction Policy:
Test corrections can be made on assessments, tests, and quizzes when a grade of 69 or below has been received at the discretion of the teacher.
Students that do corrections, will receive a maximum grade of 70.
The teacher who administered the assessment will attach a correction slip to a blank copy of the original assessment. The problems to be corrected will be circled or highlighted.
Student will need to:
Redo the circled or highlighted problems on the provided blank test correctly
Obtain a parent signature on the attached “Learn From Your Mistakes” slip
Hand in corrections by date noted on slip
Without the criteria above, students will not receive credit, and will receive the original grade.